Ohhhh boy. Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader and prominent black activist and minister, is a fan of Donald Trump. Can you guess why? The Republican frontrunner “is the only mem­ber who has stood in front of Jew­ish com­mu­nity, and said I don’t want your money,” Farrakhan said in a speech Sunday.

Farrakhan’s unremitting support of black causes is only matched by his unremitting anti-Semitism, so the comment is not wholly surprising. But his praise of Trump in particular—who is no friend to black America, and who has made Muslims a chief target of his xenophobic campaign—is completely bizarre.

Farrakhan gave the remark as a part of his Saviour’s Day sermon at a Nation of Islam mosque in Chicago. An excerpt of his remarks, via the Anti-Defamation League:

While Part 1 of Far­rakhan’s 2016 Sav­iours’ Day ser­mon last week at Detroit’s Joe Louis Arena largely avoided the topic of Jews, in Part 2 of his ser­mon yes­ter­day, Far­rakhan stated that Trump “is the only mem­ber who has stood in front of Jew­ish com­mu­nity, and said I don’t want your money. Any time a man can say to those who con­trol the pol­i­tics of Amer­ica, ‘I don’t want your money,’ that means you can’t con­trol me. And they can­not afford to give up con­trol of the pres­i­dents of the United States.” How­ever, Far­rakhan also dis­tanced him­self from a full endorse­ment of Trump stat­ing, “Not that I’m for Mr. Trump, but I like what I’m look­ing at.”

In a way, this is pretty impressive maneuvering on Trump’s part. Could any other presidential candidate wrangle the vocal support of Farrakhan with one hand and former KKK grand wizard David Duke with the other?

Image via Getty. Contact the author at andy@gawker.com.