On Friday, a beautiful Boston couple celebrated the end of the work week by stopping for a apparent blow job in the middle of the Boston subway.

A concerned straphanger snapped a photo of the alleged sex act at the State Street station last Friday at about 7:30 pm and sent it to the MBTA with a nice note attached. From Metro Boston:

“Dear MBTA, I understand you are having financial problems and it is difficult to maintain a broken system, however my tax dollars should be going to pay your police force because I shouldn’t have to stand next to a man receiving oral sex,” wrote the irate passenger.

Transit Police Lt. Richard Sullivan told Metro that officials won’t “tolerate” mid-station acts of fellatio.

“In my 20 years on the job I’ve very rarely encountered something as brazen as this,” he said. “In my opinion they could care less who happened by. More importantly, what if a young child came by?”

Just one more reason to keep young children out of Boston.

If the couple is identified, they face a charge of open and gross lewdness, which carries a maximum sentence of three years in jail and would require both offenders to register as sex offenders.

Contact the author at taylor@gawker.com.