Mall Memo: Black Friday Starts at 8 PM on Thanksgiving, Runs 26 Hours

With each passing year, it seems, American retailers find some way to make to make "Black Friday," the terrifying shopping day after Thanksgiving, a worse experience for their poor employees. This year is no exception.
Management at Rockaway Townsquare Mall in New Jersey sent out this memo this week to store owners so they can get their schedules set—oh, and, "as a friendly reminder all tenants are expected to follow the holiday schedule."
So, what do the employees who work at Foot Locker and Aunt Annie's Pretzel and Yankee Candle and every other store at the mall have to look forward to this Thanksgiving?
Thursday November 28th 8pm Opening
Friday, November 29th 10pm Closing
That's right: employees must have the stores open and ready at 8 p.m. on Thanksgiving night, and keep the stores open for 26 straight hours until 10 p.m. the following evening.
"We thank you and wish you a successful Holiday season." But not a happy one.