Man, Dave Grohl, We Get It

Foo Fighters frontman, guitar guy, and defender of ye mighty chalice of the shred Dave Rock ’n Grohl took a tumble last month in Sweden that caused him to break his leg and get some surgery. We’ve all been there, some of us while working restaurant jobs or not having millions of dollars to ease the unfortunate toll we must bear at the hands of the pricey American medical system. But when a 20th-anniversary Foo Fighters concert is scheduled, a 20th-anniversary Foo Fighters concert must go on, whether Dave Grohl is in Grave Danger or not.
After Grohl’s leg-breaking incident in June, the Foo Fighters were forced to cancel the remainder of the European leg ;) of their tour, much to the dismay of all the dozens of European Foo Fighters fans out there, whoever they may be. But Grohl simply could not let down his fans anticipating the Foo Fighters 20th-anniversary blowout in D.C. scheduled for the Fourth of July.
But just like this sonic highway we drive down that some call life, we must ride 295-South to the 20th anniversary Foo Fighters concert at RFK Stadium to hear Dave Grohl tell a little story about how he came to sit on a throne, a throne made from the bones of Foo Fighters’ most beloved fans. A throne that he dreamed up when he was high on so many drugs. Drugs that he takes because he is a cool rock guy, you understand.
“A funny thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago,” he begins.
If you have the patience, you can watch all ten minutes of Grohl’s wistful storytelling about his leg-breaking. “How many of you motherfuckers saw that on YouTube?” he asks. All of us, we are thinking. If not, now you can. The rock guy fell and now the rock guy shreds from atop a cool throne. Such is the life of the rock guy.
OK, Dave Grohl, we get it. You’re one rock and roll motherfucker. You broke your leg because you fell off the stage doing what you love: rocking out on the guitar in front of a crowd of people who want to see you rock. Your whole life, it is dedicated to shred. You love to use curse words and do drugs and party and look at you now, on a throne that is made out of guitars. You’re a bad boy with a broken leg but that won’t stop you from playing such hits like “Everlong” and “Learn to Fly” for your fans. Much like your quest to save rock music, we get it. We get your whole thing and we have since 1995. It’s a lot. Enough already. No more stories, especially about breaking your leg. Thanks.

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