Man Gets Shot After Trying to Hijack a Motorcycle [NSFW]

Warning: This post contains a video of a man being shot which some may find disturbing.
In yet another disturbing motorcycling incident caught on video, a man in Sao Paulo, Brazil had his motorcycle hijacked at gunpoint while stopped at a stoplight. The video of the incident, uploaded to YouTube by user Anderson Mangai, is filmed with a helmet-mounted camera, worn by some motorcyclists “as a means of insurance, capturing interactions on the road from the driver’s point of view.”
The video begins with the driver navigating the streets and then, when stopped, a man shoves a gun into his face and demands he get off his bike. The driver gives up motorcycle and the thief takes it from the ground, only to be shot twice by a police officer on the other side of the street. The whole scene is quick and surprising; those mingling around and driving by post-shooting seem to be displaying a relatively disturbing blasé attitude.
Reddit users have gone to great lengths to describe and translate the video. User imortality has provided a transcript of the entire scene, including the interaction between the driver and the attempted thief after he was shot:
Victim: Now you're gonna rob in hell you son of a bitch.
Robber (whining): I got shot!
Victim (pissed off): You go fuck yourself! You're the one pointing gun at other people's face!
Robber: Oh, I'm gonna die.
Victim: You sure will! You should have already! Son of a bitch.
- Robber inaudible, apparently asks someone to get him something to drink.
Victim: You're gonna drink in hell! You're gonna drink the devil!
The popular assumption online is that the thief will be fine and many are hailing the cop as a hero, saying the thief got exactly what he deserved. Others commenters just seem to chalk it up to another day in Brazil.
Here is the video: