Man Goes to Hospital for Circumcision, Wakes Up Without a Penis

A medical malpractice suit filed in Birmingham, Ala. claims that doctors at an area hospital amputated a man's penis without his consent while he was unconscious for a circumcision.
The suit names the hospital, Alabama Urology Centers, and two doctors as defendants, and alleges that the cock-chopping happened last month.
"When the plaintiff ... awoke from his aforesaid surgical procedure, his penis was amputated," according to the lawsuit. The plaintiffs "never gave consent for the complete or partial amputation of (his) penis."
The man claims he was never given a specific reason why his penis was amputated, only that doctors apparently made the decision after complications with the procedure. He reportedly "suffered additional/extended pain and suffering during his recovery," — which, yep, makes sense — and his wife alleges loss of consortium.