Police say a Chicago man carrying a Gucci satchel pulled out a submachine gun when a convenience store clerk tried to charge him a 22-cent soda tax this weekend.

According to court documents, 36-year-old Nahshon Shelton was trying to buy a $1.79 two-liter bottle of Pepsi at Madison Grocery and Beauty in Chicago when the clerk informed him that he actually owed $2.01.

When the clerk explained the price discrepancy was the state's soda tax, police say Shelton pulled a .22-caliber Intratec submachine gun out of a Gucci satchel and threatened to kill everyone inside.

Shelton later justified himself to police saying, "I'm tax exempt," and explaining, "Man, you know what, I'll keep it real. I had to put them in their place."

Police say Shelton's gun was loaded with one round in the chamber, eight rounds in one magazine and five in a second clip.

Shelton is currently facing five charges and is being held without bail.