Man Who Ate Anonymous Tip Faces Up to Two Weeks In Jail

The executive director of Miami-Dade's Crime Stoppers defended the identity of his clients in court yesterday when, instead of turning over an anonymous tip to Judge Victoria Brennan, he began tearing up the paper and eating it.
The clip is a real marvel.
Judge Brennan found Richard Masten in contempt of court and could send him to jail for two weeks. However, Masten stands by his decision.
"We promise the people who give us information to solve murders, serious violent crimes in this community, that they can call with an assurance that they will remain anonymous and that nothing about them or their information would ever be compromised," he said. "The case today started creeping into that... it's not going to happen on my watch and I understood the consequences."
Masten was ordered to share the tip without the source—like a chip without the sauce—but maybe he was just confused. Or hungry.