Photo: AP

Marco Rubio dislikes the Senate. He said so himself. Marco Rubio dislikes the Senate so much that he was going to go back to being a private citizen. He said so himself. He was maybe going to help run the Miami Dolphins! But then: Orlando.

This week, Rubio told the press the Pulse massacre in Orlando has him reconsidering his promise to flee the Senate as quickly as humanly possible. Via the Washington Post:

Rubio said his decision followed a Sunday conversation with his friend, Florida Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera (R), who is running to succeed him in the Senate, on the sidelines of the scene of the terrorist attack in Orlando.

“Obviously, I take very seriously everything that’s going on — not just Orlando, but in our country,” Rubio said. “I enjoy my service here a lot. So I’ll go home later this week, and I’ll have some time with my family, and then if there’s been a change in our status I’ll be sure to let everyone know.”

It’s nice that Rubio feels called to service by an unimaginably horrible tragedy that happened in his home state, but he should remember that Senate life is not just the heroism he feels for doing... uh, whatever it is he did Orlando. It’s a life he knows he hates.

Instead, he should go on Dancing With the Stars.