Photo: AP

Nobody says no to Martha Stewart—not even Hillary Clinton.

On Monday night, Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein hosted a fundraiser for the presumptive Democratic nominee at his home in New York City, raising about $1.8 million, according to Deadline. The event was attended by Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lopez, and Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick.

At Clinton’s behest, guests were banned from posting to social media about the event. “No tweeting, no photos, no anything,” sources told Page Six. Martha, however, appeared to disregard this request. The gossip site reports:

But though “everyone obeyed the no social media rules,” an insider said, “Martha was the only one who didn’t. It was like, ‘No rules for Martha!’ She was up in Hillary’s face — not only with an iPhone, but with like a Canon camera.”

The sources said, “To a person, everyone noticed,” at the dinner for 50, where seats went for $33,000 each.

On the day of the fundraiser, Martha posted an update on her canaries on her blog; however, she hasn’t posted any photos of the fundraising event to any of her platforms. Still, now she has leverage over Clinton, which is the kind of thing you learn “on the inside.”

Leo, meanwhile, was falling over himself to accommodate Clinton. “He was very gallant,” an insider told Page Six. “He even pulled out Hillary’s chair for her” to sit down.

Martha probably would have pulled out Hillary’s chair as she sat down—no rules for Martha!