Martin O'Malley Is Running Out O'Money

Martin O’Malley’s campaign is “perilously close to financial collapse,” the Washington Post reports, amidst reports the candidate will be hitchhiking to Iowa, financially speaking.
It’s no secret O’Malley’s campaign is lagging behind—in October he reportedly had only $805,987 left of the $3.3 million he’s raised so far. (In contrast, Hillary had about $33 million on hand; Bernie Sanders had $27 million.)
And the Iowa caucus isn’t until February, and it’s promising to be a cold winter. To that end, O’Malley is reportedly making some last ditch efforts—notably redirecting most of his staff to Iowa and opting for public matching funds.
But even if he gets another million dollars, will it be enough? Probably not—his campaign can’t even confirm whether he’ll air ads before the caucus, as Hillary and Bernie have been doing for months.
“You die now or die later. Either way, it’s not going to end well,” former John Edwards campaign manager Joe Trippi—a man who has seen some shit—tells the Post. O’man O’Malley.