Have you ever ridden Megabus, Peter Pan, or any old grungy Chinatown bus around the Eastern Seaboard and thought to yourself, Man, this would be a great way for someone to run drugs? Well, the good news is you're not alone; many people have had that idea. Don't try to turn that fantasy into a reality, however, because the cops are now wise to the game.

The Burlington Free Press reports that a man was arrested in Vermont this week with 30 grams of crack he'd smuggled via a Megabus from New York City. This was the fifth time in less than a year that a drug-trafficking suspect has been busted in Vermont after disembarking a Megabus. All the arrests have prompted the University of Vermont, which hosts Megabus' Burlington stop, to consider ending its relationship with the company.

"We have been working with Megabus since early in the year to find an alternative location for the bus stop that serves both the company’s interests and ours," UVM spokesman Enrique Corredera said in a statement in response to inquiries Tuesday from the Burlington Free Press. "There is clearly an ongoing problem that could put our community at risk. We take this issue seriously and are currently evaluating our options in order to identify a suitable and safe alternative location for the stop."

Next time, maybe try Bolt Bus to move your cocaine. At least you'll be able to use WiFi before getting locked up.

[Image via Flickr user compujeramy]