Men Claim NYPD Arrested Them for Not Handing Over White Castle

Two men who claim they were arrested after refusing to give cops their White Castle sliders are now suing the NYPD.
On Halloween 2012, Danny Maisonet and Kenneth Glover said they were walking through Coney Island when they passed a group of NYPD officers. The cops, who were in the midst of detaining a group of suspected post-Hurricane Sandy looters, allegedly demanded the two hand over their burgers. Maisonet and Glover refused.
The police officers reportedly beat the two with flashlights and arrested them. Officer Angelo Pizzarro later claimed the two stood in his way and prevented him from dealing with the alleged looters.
Maisonet and Glover were initially charged with obstructing government administration officials and disorderly conduct, though all charges were later dismissed. No word on what happened to the burgers.