Michael Phelps Wins His Second Medal in DUI

Olympic swimming star Michael Phelps was pulled over by Maryland police early this morning and arrested on a DUI charge, TMZ reports. He was apparently stopped by officers around 1:40 a.m. in a white Range Rover, driving 84 in a 45 zone, and allegedly failed a field sobriety test with a BAC of almost twice the legal limit.
This is Phelps' second DUI arrest—his first was in 2004 when he was 19. He copped a plea deal with fines and 18 months probation. "I recognize the seriousness of this mistake," Phelps said at the time in court. "I've learned from this mistake and will continue learning from this mistake for the rest of my life."
Phelps has already been released.
Update, 4:01 p.m.: Phelps released the following statement on his Twitter account:
(1/3) Earlier this morning, I was arrested and charged with DUI, excessive speeding and crossing double lane lines.
— Michael Phelps (@MichaelPhelps) September 30, 2014
(2/3) I understand the severity of my actions and take full responsibility.
— Michael Phelps (@MichaelPhelps) September 30, 2014
(3/3) I know these words may not mean much right now but I am deeply sorry to everyone I have let down.
— Michael Phelps (@MichaelPhelps) September 30, 2014
[Image via AP]