Michelle Fields, a reporter who was allegedly manhandled by Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski last week, resigned from Breitbart Sunday night, along with editor-at-large Ben Shapiro. Breitbart has cravenly questioned Fields’ story over the last week, even though photos, videos, and an eyewitness account have corroborated it.

In a statement to Buzzfeed, Fields wrote, “Today I informed the management at Breitbart News of my immediate resignation. I do not believe Breitbart News has adequately stood by me during the events of the past week and because of that I believe it is now best for us to part ways.”

Shapiro released a much lengthier statement accusing Breitbart management of betraying the late Andrew Breitbart’s mission by selling out Fields.

After Fields and Shapiro resigned, Breitbart published a bizarre story mocking both reporters and Buzzfeed. It appears to have been deleted as of this morning.

Contact the author at allie@gawker.com.