It seems everyone hated whatever it was Miley Cyrus was doing at last night's VMAs, but MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski really, really hated it.

On this morning's Morning Joe, Brzezinski went off for a good five minutes about Miley's "Minstrel Show," as Vulture called it.

"I think that was really, really disturbing," Brzezinski said to counter co-host Joe Scarborough's light-hearted take. "That young lady who is 20, is obviously deeply troubled, deeply disturbed, clearly has confidence issues, probably eating disorder and I don’t think anybody should have put her on stage. That was disgusting and embarrassing."

Boy oh boy did she ever go on:

That was not attractive. That was not fun. That was not funny. That was really, really bad for anybody who’s younger and impressionable and she’s really messed up. [...]

The whole thing was cringe worthy but I feel bad for her. She is a mess. Someone needs to take care of her. Someone needs not to put her on stage and make a complete fool of herself.

In fairness to Brzezinski:

[photo via, animated GIFs via MTV Tumblr, Guyism, video via MSNBC]