Miley Cyrus, budding contemporary S&M artist, won't be displaying her short film "Tongue Tied," which touches on themes including tongues and tying, at the NYC Porn Film Festival after all. Her representatives pulled the film, claiming they'd been misled about what it would be used for, but the festival's organizer says they were just spooked after the story "went viral."

"Miley was proud to make a film with acclaimed filmmaker Quentin Jones. She did not instigate this festival submission and is not participating in any way," a Cyrus spokesperson told the New York Post.

Emails between Miley's people and the festival, obtained by the Post, reportedly don't contain any mention of the porn film festival, just the Bushwick artist space where it's taking place. It was presented as a "shorts screening at the artist ran space Secret project Robot," Miley's rep said.

But Simon Leahy, organizer of the porn film fest, says Miley's people and Cadence Films, the producers of "Tongue Tied," should have done their research, and they're only pulling out now because they're afraid to be associated with "porn."

"Basically they didn't do their due diligence," he told the Post. "We asked to show it at the festival. Because the word porn is involved, basically the media has just sensationalized it and turned it into a click bait story."

"We are an art festival," he said. "Even though we're using the word porn, we're not some cheap LA porn award festival."

Leahy, who described "Tongue Tied" as "a pop take on S&M," has removed all mentions of it from the festival's site, and deleted a Facebook post announcing "We got Miley!"

You'll still be able to see the Tila Tequila sex tape Backdoored and Squirting, though, so art isn't completely dead.

[h/t NY Post]