Remember Aaron Schock? The Republican Congressman from Illinois’ 18th District resigned on March 31 in response to a cascade of scandals, such as his Downton Abbey-themed office, his use of government funds to pay for tickets to a Katy Perry concert, and his office’s extremely questionable travel reimbursements, all of which are now the subject of a federal investigation. So what’s he up to these days?

According to the lawyer of a political donor who’s suing him, Schock went into hiding some time after his resignation (though Fox News anchor Greta van Susteren was able to call him on his cell phone). But today a local TV reporter, CBS’ Brad Edwards, spotted him lunching at a steakhouse in Chicago’s upscale River North neighborhood:

We definitely know it’s Aaron Schock because of the fancy belt and watch he reportedly wore:

Confirming an earlier a Wednesday report by the Chicago Sun-Times, Schock’s outdoor meeting appeared to be part of a job interview:

According to Lynn Sweet, the Sun-Times’ Washington bureau chief, Schock is keeping his options open: “Perhaps sales. Or banking. Or something in international trade.”

Ah, best of luck.

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