The long, bizarre legal battle over the custody of Ariel Winter seemingly came to an end this Friday when the 17-year-old Modern Family actress announced on Twitter she had been officially emancipated from mother Chrisoula Workman.

“Most importantly I want to thank @shanelle_gray and my father for their special support regarding this matter,” wrote Winter, “I really couldn’t have done it without them.”

Since 2012, Winter has been living with sister Shanelle Gray, 36, after a judge ruled that allegations of child abuse by their mother were serious enough to grant Gray an emergency guardianship.

Afterward, the actress’ mother and brother went to the press to claim Winter had lied about the abuse so the then 14-year-old could have a sexual relationship with her 18-year-old boyfriend.

That November, however, the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services released a damning report finding Workman had indeed emotionally abused her daughter and recommending Gray be given permanent guardianship.

Gray, who was also a child actor, was removed from her mother’s care decades earlier after making similar claims of abuse, reportedly spending two years in the foster system.

[Image via Getty Images]