In a desperate bid to prevent police from arresting her drug trafficking sons, a 74-year-old woman from Aragon, Spain, swallowed their entire stash, causing her to suffer a heart attack and die.

The woman, identified as Carmen by the local media, was riding in a car with one of her sons when they were stopped by the Civil Guard.

Though the stop was routine, the septuagenarian apparently panicked, thinking the authorities would discover the drugs hidden in the vehicle and arrest both her sons, aged 37 and 43, for dealing.

She quickly consumed every narcotic in sight, which made her appear "slightly indisposed" when questioned by the cops.

Concerned for her health, the officers escorted Carmen to a medical center, and handed her over to doctors.

Initially fine, the woman soon suffered a cardiac arrest, and all attempts to revive her failed.

The exact drugs ingested by the mother remain unidentified, but a subsequent search of her sons' residences turned up 561 grams of methamphetamine, 40 grams of cocaine, and 19 grams of hashish.

It is believed the drugs that were in the car at the time of the incident were on their way to be sold.

Both brothers were apprehended and charged, though one has since been released from custody "pending further investigations."

[photo via Shutterstock]