Mom Pretends to Be Daughter, Claims Rare Medical Condition Aged Her

A mom pretending to be her daughter to get out of a traffic stop had a pretty quick explanation for her unlikely appearance—a rare medical condition that caused her to age rapidly.
Jennifer R. Crosby, 43, was pulled over this weekend when an Indian River County Sheriff's deputy noticed her tail lights were both out. Crosby, who was reportedly driving on a suspended driver's license, gave the cops her 22-year-old daughter's name and date of birth.
" Deputy Colby Smith noted that, "Immediately I was suspicious because the driver appeared significantly older than that."
After providing her social security number, Smith reported, "the driver could tell I was suspicious and went on to tell me that she has a medical condition that makes her age faster."
The cop, who also wasn't suffering from a rare medical condition causing him to be born yesterday, arrested Crosby and charged her with driving on a suspended license, providing a false name, and crafting an excellent cover story.