The mother of the 15-year-old New Hampshire girl who went missing for nine months says that despite the rumors, her daughter was not pregnant during her disappearance. Zenya Hernandez told The Today Show that her daughter Abby didn't run away, either:

The majority of people believe that she was pregnant — she was not. She did not run away. I firmly believe that.

Update: Zenya released a statement from Abby, which mentions her "release":

I wish that I could personally thank everyone who looked for me. My gratitude is beyond words. It's an incredible feeling to be home and I believe in my heart that your hopes and prayers played a major role in my release. Thank you all for the welcome home.

Abby went missing last October while walking home from school and was returned to her family a week ago. Police are still investigating the circumstances of her disappearance. She says she was abducted by a man who looks like this:

According to Today, police have been questioning Abby and Zenya every day since Abby returned. Zenya is determined to get answers: "Just as I swore that I'd find her, I'll find the person. I'll find out what happened."

[Images via Today]