Montana state representative David Moore (R-Missoula), who told the Associated Press that he thinks yoga pants should be illegal, was, he tells The Guardian, just kidding. Classic!

"At no time during the hearing of that bill was yoga pants brought up," Moore told The Guardian. "The whole was a off-the-cuff remark in the hallway, and the whole thing just exploded."

The Associated Press is backing its reporter. "Our reporter spoke to him at length," media director Paul Colford told The Guardian. "She asked him about that statement twice. After the story appeared, Mr Moore told associates he was making a joke. Our staffer did not report that the bill would go so far as to outlaw yoga pants. Or that he intended to, we stand by our coverage."

The Guardian reports that Moore's indecent exposure bill was inspired by a naked bike ride through Missoula last summer.

In the interest of avoiding government overreach, maybe just make naked bicycle rides illegal? Just a thought.

[Image via Shutterstock]