Morgan Stanley is a $63 billion Wall Street firm with an 80-year history and almost $2 trillion in assets under its control. It's shocking to discover that the place is run by a japester of Loony Tunes proportions!

Yesterday, the New York Times profiled Morgan Stanley's CEO, James Gorman. Sure, he is referred to at various points as "pretty invisible," "[not] charismatic," "serious," "a bit remote," and a "demanding" boss who "has never focused on being liked" and "may not command the loyalty or adulation for which his predecessor was famous." But don't forget this!!!!!

Still, Mr. Gorman has his less-uptight moments. When the head of equity trading, Ted Pick, was late for meetings several times recently, Mr. Gorman put his chair in the corner, prompting a laugh from the group when Mr. Pick eventually arrived.

That was the only lighthearted anecdote they could dig up in the whole 3,000 word story.

Heh... nice one, boss.

[Photo: AP]