A Muslim woman in Ohio is suing a county jail after she says corrections officers forced her to go to Christian church services, the L.A. Times reports.

According to 24-year-old Sakeena Majeed, an officer at Cuyahoga County Corrections Center threatened her with solitary confinement when she refused to attend the jail's weekly Christian prayer service, led by a Baptist minister.

Even after she attended, the practicing Muslim alleges in her lawsuit that she was "openly chastised and mocked" by another officer for not participating.

"That should be offensive to anybody, no matter what your religion is," her attorney Matthew Besser told the Associated Press. "The government can't tell you what god to pray to or to pray at all."

Contacted by multiple news outlets, Cuyahoga County spokespeople have declined to comment on Majeed's lawsuit.

[Image via AP Images]