Where was this desperate New Jersey woman headed, speeding around Newark on three tires, and who was the mysterious limo rider who orchestrated her arrest? ANIMAL New York has the strange story.

The Instagram user who took the video reportedly spotted the driver of the white car grinding her front axle into the ground on Sunday around 1 a.m. She told ANIMAL the female driver, who looked to be in her 30's, was driving "nonchalantly as if nothing was wrong."

ANIMAL's tipster said they followed her for about ten minutes, and they weren't alone—a limousine (not pictured) carrying a mysterious passenger also joined the metal-grinding chase.

"There was a limo following us from the beginning which I thought was weird. He was running lights with her. Once we got to broad street, it was like the cops knew she was coming... These cops knew she was coming. Whoever was in that limo called and set her up," the tipster told ANIMAL.

Let's add this mystery to the list. And if you or a loved one knows the story of this bizarre late-night chase, drop us a line at tips@gawker.com.

[h/t ANIMAL New York]