On Sunday, NBC stunned no one by announcing Jimmy Fallon's eventual Late Night replacement: long-time Saturday Night Live head writer (and current Weekend Update anchor) Seth Meyers. The stunning part happened next, on the network's official Twitter handle.

With the adroitness and mastery of basic tasks that has made NBC America’s most watched network (among the proud moms of people who work at NBC and no one else), the network tweeted out its congratulations to Meyers in the form of a Vine.

Of a still image.

On what looks like a computer screen.

In what sounds like a sawmill.

For the uninitiated, Vine is a video sharing application that allows users to shoot short moments of video (maximum total length: six seconds) and link them together on an infinite loop. If you hate plot, exposition, and characters but love random flashing images devoid of context, Vine is the app for you.

In other words, it’s like NBC downloaded a picture of Seth Meyers, superimposed text reading “Congrats Seth!” over it in MS Paint, filmed Seth_Congrats.bmp on their computer with a video camera for six seconds, and then tweeted it out to 270,000 followers. EXCEPT it’s worse than if they had filmed it on a normal camera, because at the end of every six seconds, the video jumps back to the beginning, the picture jostling in precisely the same annoying way; the cacophonous sound circling around on a nightmarish loop.

So, congrats on your new gig Seth Meyers.

May you soar like a peacock in NBC’s capable hands.

[Image via AP]

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