Neighborhood Outraged at Couple Who Painted Their Home Like Up Home

A sweet young family in Santa Clara, California has nearly finished renovations on their Victorian home, keeping most of its historical features, while painting it to make it closely resemble the home from the Pixar movie Up. Their neighbors — a real bunch of grumps — are up in arms over the decision, saying they should have kept the historic theme of the neighborhood.
Hosam Haggog and Fatima Rahman, the home's owners, spent more than two years on the renovations, which they did largely for their daughters: "They love the movie Up and we just thought we'd give them something fun to be proud of, and actually all the kids in the neighborhood really love the colors." A sweet idea, putting aside the possible shortsightedness of allowing your children to design your home based on a children's movie. But the adult neighbors don't see it to be as sweet, as they explained to NBC Bay Area:
"I don't think it fits in," neighbor Lou Faria said of the renovated Victorian.
Faria, who also is a member of the Old Quad Residents Association, said the Haggog and Rahman should have kept to the historic theme of the neighborhood.
"It really, in my opinion, is atrocious that this Victorian is a gracious old lady and it's being painted up to look like a clown," Faria said.
"I like historical houses to be historical," neighbor Chuck Petersen said. "On the other hand, it's his home and I feel that sometime down the line it's going to be repainted again anyway."
The times they are a-bein' painted up to look like clowns.