Nevada Democrats Report Personalized Death Threats From Bernie Sanders Supporters

This weekend, Nevada Democratic Chairwoman Roberta Lange declined to make a rule change that would have benefitted Bernie Sanders. It’s a decision she won’t soon forget—since then, she’s been flooded with death threats and personalized insults.
The party held a state convention Saturday at the Paris Las Vegas hotel, where as many as sixty Sanders delegates were deemed ineligible. To voice their displeasure, Sanders’ supporters reportedly began yelling and throwing things until the casino shut down the convention and kicked everyone out. It was so bad that even Las Vegas security guards couldn’t deal with it, the party said in a statement reported by CNN:
“At approximately 10:00 p.m. on Saturday night, the director of security for the Paris Las Vegas Hotel informed the state party and representatives from both presidential campaigns that the property could no longer provide the necessary security under conditions made unruly and unpredictable. Paris Las Vegas Hotel security requested a prompt conclusion to the event,” the Nevada State Democratic Party said in a statement.
Since then, Sanders’ supporters have apparently turned their ire on Lange, who says she’s received thousands of phone calls and “as many as three text messages per minute” to her private cell phone number.
“It’s been vile,” Lange tells the New York Times. “It’s been threatening messages, threatening my family, threatening my life, threatening my grandchild.”
Texts sent to Nevada Democratic Party chairwoman Roberta Lange from Bernie Sanders supporters:
— Scott Bixby (@scottbix) May 17, 2016
That’s one way to not get what you want.