A Chinese student living in Japan was attacked on social media after showing up late to a reservation at one of the finest sushi spots in Tokyo, trying to order "cooked sushi" to go, and then ranting about the food and service online.

Tokyo's Sukiyabashi Jiro is possibly the most famous sushi restaurant in the world. Its founder, Jiro Ono, was the subject of the 2011 documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi, and famous customers include President Barack Obama and Japanese PM Shinzō Abe.

But 23-year-old Chuhan Lin apparently didn't have an Obama-level experience at the restaurant's Roppongi location (which has 2 Michelin stars and is run by Jiro's son). After her group showed up 40 minutes late and failed to apologize, it turned out that two of them found raw fish "tough to swallow," so they took a couple of bites and then left to eat deep-fried pork at another restaurant.

The rest of the group then tried to cancel their entire order and get "cooked sushi" to go instead.

The chef was understandably irked. According to Lin, he said, "Is sushi served cooked in your country? If you can't handle raw food, you should have informed us when you made the reservation!"

In her rant on the hugely popular Chinese microblogging service Weibo, Lin retorted, "Who knew!? I didn't make the reservation! If we were Abe! If we were Obama! Would he dare to show such an attitude?"

Her Weibo followers took the sushi chef's side, and soon she was being flamed across the Chinese internet for her rude behavior. Things eventually got so bad that she decided to take down her Weibo post and return to Jiro to make things right.

After she explained that she only tried to change the order to minimize wasted food, she got a lesson in how top sushi places allocate their freshest ingredients based on the number of customers they expect. The restaurant's sushi master invited her to visit again if she ever develops a taste for sushi.

If she takes him up on it, she'll definitely show up on time.

[H/T RocketNews24, Photo: AP Images]