Amber Vinson, the Texas healthcare worker who tested positive for Ebola early Wednesday morning, reportedly travelled Monday on a flight from Cleveland to Dallas, just one day before she started to show symptoms of the virus.

Frontier Airlines 1143 flight landed in Dallas Monday night. Vinson reportedly was not showing any symptoms of the virus—she claims she first came down with a fever on Tuesday—during the flight, though the airlines is working with the CDC to contact anyone who was on board.

Frontier later announced that the aircraft has been taken out of service. Before it was removed from service, the plane flew to Atlanta, Ft. Lauderdale, Dallas, and Cleveland.

UPDATE 1:09 pm: At a press conference this afternoon, CDC director Dr. Thomas Frieden said Vinson "should not have traveled on a commercial airline." He also said she had "extensive contact" with Thomas Eric Duncan, the Texas Ebola patient who died last week, and that she will be transferred to Emory Hospital in Atlanta for treatment.

[Image via AP]