Earlier today, Time magazine reported that Jeb Bush was bringing on Hipster.com co-founder Ethan Czahor as his new Chief Technology Officer, hailing the hire as a savvy move by a party that often struggles with social media. And they weren't wrong—by Monday afternoon Czahor had already made his mark on the web, thanks to his awful, awful tweets about sluts and gay people.

As Buzzfeed noticed, the offending tweets began to disappear from Czahor's timeline soon afterward, making it especially easy to identify the tech whiz's ugliest attempts at dumb bro humor.

Hours later, Bush's new CTO finally demonstrated his value by offering an expert non-apology, ruefully hashtagged #learning and #maturing.

Ah yes, it looks like our little high-ranking campaign staffer for a leading GOP candidate is finally #growingup.

[Images via Twitter/Buzzfeed]