Surveillance footage and eyewitness reports obtained by police establishes a clearer timeline of the whereabouts of Hannah Graham—the second-year University of Virginia student who has been missing since early last Saturday morning—on the night she disappeared.

Graham left a Charlottesville, Virginia restaurant where she had been having dinner with friends at around 11 p.m. Friday, Charlottesville Police Captain Gary Pleasants said at a press conference yesterday, and texted friends that she had become lost at around 1:20 Saturday morning.

The new footage and reports help place Graham in the interim. The most recently uncovered clip shows Graham running near a Charlottesville gas station at around 12:55 a.m. Police do not believe she was being pursued. She can be seen at about seven seconds into the video below.

Charlottesville's WTVR has a detailed prospective timeline of the evening:

11: 50 p.m. Friday — Graham last seen by friends at Camden Plaza Apartments, in the 200 block of 14th Street NW.

12:45 a.m. Saturday — Graham seen on surveillance video outside of McGrady's Pub on Grady Street.

12:55 a.m. Saturday — Graham seen on Shell station surveillance video on Preston Ave.

1 a.m. Saturday — Witness reports seeing Graham on Downtown Mall

1:20 a.m. Saturday — Graham sends a text to friends saying she was lost in the area around 14th and Wertland Streets.

Pleasants said alcohol likely played a role in Graham's becoming lost. According to WTVR, Graham's parents suspect foul play may have been involved, but police do not necessarily believe that is the case.

[Image via WTVR]