New Video Appears to Show 25 Men Executed By ISIS Child Soldiers

A new video, reportedly released by ISIS, appears to show 25 soldiers being executed at the amphitheater in Palmyra, Syria. The men’s executioners look to be boys in their teens. The video has not yet been independently verified.
In the video, a group of several hundred men watch as the uniformed soldiers are forced to their knees, guns to their heads, and executed. The BBC reports that the Islamic State has said that the executed men were soldiers captured in the city of Homs. According to Al Arabiya, the video begins with a recitation of the Quran.
The video can be seen here, for now.
After capturing Palmyra in May, ISIS announced that it would not destroy the city’s ruins. (It has, however, destroyed statues found at the site.) This is at least the second round of executions the militant group has carried out in the city’s ancient amphitheater.
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