At long last, the provincial burg of Manhattan will soon be home to an "elite 'clubhouse'" restaurant specifically for hedge fund guys. It will be called "the entire borough of Manhattan." Haha, a joke. No, it will be called hell.

Anthony Scaramucci is a hedge fund guy best known for running a huge annual conference in Las Vegas where hedge fund guys schmooze with one another, and for generally being a schmoozy schmoozer himself. He's putting those schmoozing skills to good use by soliciting investors for what will surely be the most obnoxious den of pocket square-wearing moneyed douchebags since The Lion. Its name: "The Hunt and Fish Club." Well that's just perfect. "The Hunt and Fish Club." It will be on 44th Street, for fuck's sake. There won't be any hunting. There won't be any fishing. But there will be douchebags. Oh yes. Bloomberg reports:

It will have the feel of an elite “clubhouse” and be an alternative to bars and eateries surrounding the Grand Central Terminal in Midtown, which are “not fun” and have unattractive staff, the team said in marketing documents to prospective investors...

“Dave Barrett and I have said for years that we wanted to have place where we could gather people from our community,” Scaramucci said in the e-mail.

"Community." Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes.

Every hedge fund guy who spends time in this pseudomasculine den of egofellatio will mean one less hedge fund guy spending time somewhere else in New York City, so we say "huzzah."

[Bloomberg. Photo: Shutterstock]