Yesterday, a cow named Freddie briefly held New York City’s attention when he burst forth from the Queens slaughterhouse where he was being held and led police on a chase down Jamaica Avenue. This morning, Freddie was being taken to an animal sanctuary, where he will settle down, enjoy the fresh air and green grass, and live out his years in peace and quiet away from the city.

Like many New Yorkers, Freddie was once intoxicated by the city’s grime and glitter, but after a long affair, grew exhausted with the constant hustle. He will be making his new home across the Hudson River, in New Jersey. Mike Stura, the animal rights activist who negotiated Freddie’s release from Archer Halal Live Poultry, where he was returned after the chase, told DNAinfo that Freddie will “live a happy life” alongside the 75 other rescued livestock animals Stura keeps on his Wantage property.

Freddie’s memoirs on loving and leaving New York are expected to be published in 2017.

Image via Shakeller Thompson/Facebook. Contact the author at