On Monday, Mayor Bill de Blasio compromised on a campaign promise to ban horse-drawn carriages in New York City, offering instead to build the industry a new stable in an existing building. Maybe, a New York Times columnist suggested on Twitter, the city’s homeless can live in the old stables.

The mayor struck a deal (still to be approved by the City Council) with the industry, limiting the number of carriages that can operate at any time—down to 95 from 220—as well as their areas of operation. He also reportedly offered the relocate the horses from their current location on the West Side to a Central Park building near the 85th Street Transverse, where a new, $25 million commercial stable would be built.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, 58,355 people slept in homeless shelters throughout New York City, including 23,484 children. Still more likely preferred to stay on the streets.

Jim Dwyer, who writes a column, “About New York,” for the New York Times—where reporter Michael Barbaro, who could not abide the sight of homeless people at a subway station, also works—took a Borowitzian turn on Twitter today, combining these two local news stories into a single bad tweet.

“DeB brainstorm: $25 million in new horse stables in Central Park. Maybe homeless can have the old ones,” he wrote, tagging the author of the Times story about the horse carriage deal.

Part of why this tweet is bad is because the premise of the joke (?) is unclear: “DeB” is obviously an abbreviation of de Blasio, but is it de Blasio’s brainstorm, or a brainstorm for de Blasio? Then again, they say there are no bad ideas in brainstorming, so maybe it doesn’t matter.

Contact the author of this post: brendan.oconnor@gawker.com.