New Yorkers Apparently Still Care About Having 212 Phone Numbers

You remember the episode of Seinfeld where Elaine tries to get the 212 phone number of her dead neighbor Mrs. Krantz because she believes dialing the 646 area code takes too long? The New York Times has a report saying that New Yorkers still eagerly covet the 212 area code for their cell phones. These people sound wack.
90210. 212. 867-5309. Who gives a rat's ass? But as New Yorkers are forced to reckon with their transience in this great big grid of come-and-gos, possession of a 212 area code is apparently enough to instill a sense of permanence here. The Times reports:
Last summer, David Cole, 40, who had just earned a master's degree from the University of Cincinnati, was looking for a job with an architecture firm in New York. He understood that his chances of landing a spot would be much higher if he did not appear to be an out-of-towner. He said one of his first moves was to buy a 212 number to replace the 513 number of his cellphone.
"I wanted the local number on my résumé," said Mr. Cole, who quickly landed a job with a firm in SoHo.
A 40-year-old man buying a phone number. Seems arbitrary . . . but is it? There is a website——that sells phone numbers to those who are so eager to feel a part of the Big Apple that they can purchase new numbers after a trial period of phone call forwarding. David Day, the owner of the phone number brokerage site, says that many believe their phone calls will more likely be picked up if they come from a 212 number. Sad. Maybe they just need to call better people.
But how much will it set you back to care this much about your phone number?
Normally, phone numbers are assigned without cost, but for several years 212 numbers have been selling for anywhere from $75 to more than $1,000.
In 2017, there will be a new area code introduced to the Manhattan phone number lexicon so I guess hurry up and buy your 212s now, if that's what you're into.
[Image via Getty]