Dave Benton, an Illinois news anchorman, made a heartbreaking on-air announcement Thursday that his doctors believe he only has four to six months left to live.

The Champaign, IL anchor said he's been battling brain cancer for a while, a prognosis he's reportedly been quite open about on the air. But Thursday, he broke the bad news to viewers.

As you know, I told you a few days ago that my brain cancer was back. But I have learned in the last few days, as I have seen doctors several times, I'm learning more about what my future holds. Basically, my cancer is back and it's too big for surgery and radiation. Doctors have told me that I may have four to six months to live.

Benton says he's trying an experimental antibody treatment, saying the goal is to "have a few more days and make them the best that they can be in the life that I have."

Benton also thanked viewers for sticking with him and said he shared his story in part because he wants other people fighting cancer to know they're not alone.

It'll be nine years [at WCIA-TV] in about three weeks, and I'm dedicated to continue good work. I want to know that there'll be a moment, where I will stop a moment and say, "I hope I did good work to our viewers, I served them, I did things well," and I want to take an opportunity for that to make sure it happens.

According to the AP, Benton has a wife and two adult children.