Last month, a pair of anonymous Twitter users named @blippoblappo and @crushingbort began compiling examples of passages and transcripts that CNN anchor/author/thinkfluencer Fareed Zakaria had plagiarized over the past twenty years. Now one of Zakaria’s former venues is addressing—or at least acknowledging—the pair’s allegations.

Today Newsweek added a disclaimer to each of Zakaria’s archived columns, as well as Zakaria’s author page, which reads:

Fareed Zakaria worked for Newsweek when it was under previous ownership. Readers are advised that some of his articles have been the subject of complaints claiming that they contain material that should have been attributed to others. In addition, readers with information about articles by Mr. Zakaria that may purportedly lack proper attribution are asked to e-mail Newsweek at

The warning comes after months of silence at Newsweek, which had previously ignored inquiries by Poynter’s Andrew Beaujon regarding the allegations against Zakaria. The magazine’s turnabout appears to have been inspired by editor-in-chief Jim Impoco’s conversation on Twitter last Friday with @blippoblappo and former Gawker editor John Cook:

(Regarding his magazine’s previous silence, Impoco claimed to have no record of Beaujon’s inquiry.)

The remaining allegations against Zakaria are numerous: Over the past few weeks, @blippoblappo and @crushingbort have identified nearly 40 examples of Zakaria either copying or slightly changing the words of others across a broad array of outlets and media, including his show at CNN, his columns for Slate, an article for The New Republic, and several of Zakaria’s own books. And people paid to adjudicate cases of alleged plagiarism say Zakaria definitely plagiarized.

This is not the first time Zakaria has been accused of lifting others’ words. In 2012, CNN and Time briefly suspended him after he admitted to copying a long paragraph from New Yorker writer Jill Lepore. (The anchor later resigned his position on Yale University’s board of governors.) Nor is Zakaria the first journalist to be scrutinized by @blippoblappo and @crushingbort—that would be former BuzzFeed editor Benny Johnson.

Until today, however, the more recent allegations against Zakaria have been either ignored or dismissed by the outlets where his work has appeared. In a conversation with Gawker on September 18, a CNN spokesperson refused to discuss the details of the charges on the record. A few days later, Slate executive Jacob Weisberg tweeted a defense of Zakaria:

If you’ve spotted any other examples of Zakaria’s plagiarism, hop in below or shoot us an email.

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