This afternoon, the Texas State Senate is debating House Bill 2, a hugely restrictive anti-abortion bill that would ban late-term abortions. A vote may take place tonight, so the capital gallery is currently at full-capacity. Meanwhile, state troopers have been searching through bags to confiscate tampons, feminine pads, and tissues before spectators have been allowed inside:

Officials were apparently concerned about an online rumor that pro-choice activists were planning to throw feminine products at the senators, which the AP confirms.

There was also a rumor that "proaborts" were planning to flash their "lady parts" in the senate gallery. So far, vaginas have not been confiscated. Don't worry, there's still time.

Update: KEYE-TV reports that Senate Democrat leader of Kirk Watson of Austin told state troopers to stop confiscating feminine-hygiene products (via Khalela).

[photo via @ShelbyLAlex]