NY Post Report: Governor Cuomo Slacked on "Substantial" Child Support Payments for Years

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been battling his ex-wife Kerry Kennedy over “substantial” child support payments for years, according to a new report from the New York Post. The dispute was apparently quickly resolved after the Post made inquiries about it.
A source “close to Kennedy” told the Post that Cuomo had neglected to make any child support payments for the ex-couple’s three daughters over the last two and a half years—until two weeks ago, when he began making some payments, but not others.
“Kerry has been at the end of her ropes over this because nothing seemed to convince him to do the right thing,” the source told the paper. “Andrew didn’t pay child support or alimony for the past two and a half years until a few weeks ago, and then he continued to leave out the payments for education and health care, which he’s required to pay. It was just a kind of drip, drip, drip.”
The child support dispute was apparently resolved completely on Friday evening, after the Post contacted Cuomo and Kennedy for comment. (A story about Cuomo slacking on child support payments would be “politically embarrassing,” the Post points out.)
In response to the Post’s inquiries about a child support dispute, Cuomo and Kennedy released two joint statements to the Post over the weekend. The first statement reads:
We are aware that the Post has asked whether we are having any difficulty in co-parenting our three girls. Let us be crystal-clear; in terms of education, occupational or financial decisions and relations we have no issues of dispute. Over the past 10 years we have successfully adjusted to the needs and growth of our children. Our three girls are healthy and blessed and they could not be doing any better. As far as the Post hearing rumors of discord, they are just that, unfounded and untrue gossip, and as such their publication would be hurtful and inaccurate.
In the second statement, the pair insists, oddly, “Kerry speaks for herself and only she would know the truth.”
A source told the Post that Kennedy agreed to sign these statements with Cuomo because “he finally agreed to make the payments that he hadn’t been making.”
Cuomo, as the Post points out, is rich: He earned over $550,000 last year from his book earnings and governor’s salary.
2003 photo of Cuomo and Kennedy via the AP. Contact the author at allie@gawker.com.