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A top official with the New York City Board of Elections will lose her job over the widespread problems with voter rolls in Brooklyn polling places during Tuesday’s presidential primary, according to anonymous sources who spoke with the New York Daily News.

The BOE said in a statement this week that Diane Haslett-Rudiano, the board’s chief clerk in Brooklyn, was suspended without pay after the election, “pending an internal investigation into the administration of the voter rolls in the Borough of Brooklyn.” The News’s sources said that the suspension is a prelude to Haslett-Rudiano being “forced out” of her job, and that her firing could come as early as next week.

A Board of Elections spokesperson has not responded to Gawker’s request for comment on whether Haslett-Rudiano will be fired.

More than 100,000 active Brooklyn voters were mistakenly purged from the books in advance of the election, leading to investigations from the state attorney general and the city comptroller’s office. According to the News’s sources, the problems came after Haslett-Rudiano skipped a crucial step when purging dead or inactive voters from the rolls, which would have protected active voters from being removed.

After Gawker issued a call for stories about primary voting problems, we received multiple responses from New York City residents in Brooklyn and elsewhere who were registered to vote, but whose names were not on the books in their polling places. Many of these New Yorkers said they ultimately voted by affidavit rather than with a traditional poll. “Over the last month, I have double and triple checked that I was registered and that I knew my polling place,” a Bushwick woman named Chavisa said. “I was even registered in the online system...I really have no idea how or why this could have happened.”

Haslett-Rudiano did not immediately respond to a request for comment.