NYPD Thugs Caught on Video Pistol-Whipping Teen With Hands Up

NYPD Officers Tyrane Isaac and David Afanador are under criminal investigation after allegedly beating and pistol-whipping an unarmed teen in Brooklyn, as seen in the brutal video below. Kahreem Tribble, 16, had his hands up at the time of the attack.
The two officers were pursuing Tribble after he allegedly dropped a bag of weed and began running at 1311 St. John's Place in Crown Heights. When the clip begins, Tribble gives up the chase, turning to face Isaac, and Isaac gives him a right hook to the head. Tribble puts his hands in the air, then Afandor arrives, gun drawn, and smacks him in the face with it. By this point, the teen is slumped over against a wall, but Isaac throws another punch just in case. Officer Christopher Mastoros then enters the frame, but does nothing to stop the wanton violence.
According to DNAinfo, which published the video, Tribble was left with cracked teeth and bruises. Afanador was suspended from his position without pay, and Isaac was stripped of his badge and his gun and placed on modified duty. The men, both nine-year veterans, are under investigation from the NYPD's internal affairs bureau and the Brooklyn District Attorney's office. Each has two previous cases against him claiming false arrest or excessive use of force, DNAinfo reports.