According to multiple sources, hundreds of NYPD officers turned their backs to Mayor Bill de Blasio on Saturday when he spoke at the funeral of Rafael Ramos, one of two policeman murdered by Brooklyn shooter Ismaaiyl Brinsley.

The gesture echoed a moment last weekend when officers turned away from the mayor before a press conference addressing the shooting, as well as an aerial banner flown over New York City on Friday that read: "De Blasio, Our Backs Have Turned to You."

According to some on-scene estimates, the NYPD officers participating in the silent protest numbered in the thousands.

Responding to the flown banner yesterday, de Blasio Deputy Press Secretary Wiley Norvell issued a statement saying, "This is a time to think about the families and honor our fallen officers. Dividing people won't help our city heal."

UPDATE: CNN has uploaded footage of police turning away from the screens showing Mayor de Blasio as he spoke.

[Image via Twitter/Dean Meminger]