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President Obama has about eight months left to close down Guantanamo Bay, fulfilling a pledge he made to Americans at the beginning of his presidency. According to a report in the Guardian, his latest step toward that goal is the transfer of 22 or 23 detainees out of the prison sometime before the end of July.

Citing unnamed government officials, the Guardian reports that the detainees will be sent to “about half a dozen countries,” none of which are named in the piece. The transferred detainees will follow the nine men who were transferred to Saudi Arabia in April and others who were transferred to Oman earlier in the year.

In February, Obama announced a plan to close the prison for good, which called for transfers such as these of detainees to foreign countries, as well as U.S. military trials for those who were not transferred. Crucially, the plan also made room for an “irreducible minimum” of detainees—those whom the government has deemed “too dangerous to transfer but not feasible for prosecution.” Gitmo may close, but its legacy will likely live on: Those detainees will be transferred to another facility inside the U.S., where they will be held indefinitely without being charged, just like they are at Gitmo.