[There was a video here]

Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee premiered online at Crackle last night with a very special episode featuring the president. They drove some old Corvette thing and walked around the White House lawn before Seinfeld asked a serious question: “How many world leaders do you think are just completely out of their mind?”

“A pretty sizable percentage,” Obama answered confidently. Nice!!!

“Part of what happens is these guys, I think the longer they stay in office, the more likely that is to happen,” he went on to explain. “They lose it,” Seinfeld offered.

Obama continued, deadpanning, “At a certain point your feet hurt, and you’re having trouble peeing, and you have absolute power...”

You can watch the entire episode, in which the two discuss football and who has more money (Seinfeld, obviously), at Crackle here.

Contact the author at allie@gawker.com.