Oh, So You Think You’re the Only Lady Who Can Paint Donald Trump on a Pumpkin?

“Life is short, art is long.” Someone said this once—I think Jim Cooke. But what about when art is round? Well, that’s a different story altogether.
Imagine this: a pumpkin. Now imagine this, separately: a story about a woman who painted Donald Trump’s face onto a large pumpkin, and now she’s getting all sorts of attention for it, as if we all wouldn’t have painted Donald Trump’s face onto a large pumpkin provided we’d had the idea, the pumpkin, the paint, the ability, and the knowledge that we could’ve gotten attention for it.
Are you imagining it?
Now stop—you don’t have to imagine it, because this is the true story of Dublin, Ohio resident Jeanette Paras, a woman who has been painting faces onto large pumpkins for more than 25 years, according to CNN, an outlet many of us would’ve loved to have praise our giant, painted pumpkins had we known to acquire them and paint them in advance. Her most recent pumpkin is a pumpkin of infamous pumpkin Donald Trump.

“He required six, 38-inch blond wigs,” Paras told the Columbus Dispatch, a respected Ohio outlet from whom some of us would’ve loved a bit of recognition for a pumpkin painting that isn’t even stencil-based pumpkin carving, let alone non-stencil-based pumpkin carving—just a pumpkin painting. The Dispatch explains, “She spent a lot of time arranging the hair, then flipping it to one side to achieve his look.” Like we all wouldn’t have.
According to TIME, Paras has dubbed it “Trumpkin.”
So, what? So you think you’re the only lady who can paint Donald Trump on an enormous pumpkin and put six wigs on there and then call it a day all over the place, everybody loving you and your pumpkins, so special?
Well, get a load of this, then:

So. What do you think of that, then? Jeanette?
Image via Paras Pumpkins/Facebook. Pumpkin via shutterstock, art via Kelly. Contact the author at kelly.conaboy@gawker.com.