A Queens man has been posting pornographic photos in his windows because, according to his neighbors, he doesn't like that an immigrant, Indian family moved in next door to him. The man, "Jimmy," admitted to WABC that he posted the pictures, but said, "I'm drying them out, they got damp last night."

Jimmy's neighbor, Sanjeev Aggurawal, told WABC, "My son—he's four! My nephews are seven and nine, and they come over and they see this. This is ridiculous, it has to stop. He's upset because some Indian guy moved in next door. That's the basic thing." The Aggurawals have to hang a sheet on their porch to keep their son from seeing the pictures.

Neighbors have called the cops on Jimmy before, but he just puts the photos back up when they leave. "That's my artwork," he told WABC, trying to make another excuse.

[Photo via WABC]