Open Letter to Donald Trump: What's That Hanging Around Your Neck, Pal?
Here are two photos of Donald Trump, taken on consecutive days: yesterday, Jan. 5, and today, Jan. 6.

Donald Trump has found a tie he likes. It’s royal blue with white stripes and darker blue accents, lightly connoting America, which he intends to make great once more. It’s a strong, forceful tie, and we all expect nothing less of Donald Trump than to drape himself in the most powerful of fabrics.
And yet. Only a single tie? On Donald Trump? The man can afford to buy more ties than anyone could wear in a single year. Indeed, he has an entire line of neckties—the most luxurious and classiest ties in the world, one can only assume.
It would be so unlike Trump to wear the same tie for two* days straight. That’s something a poor person would do. Perhaps Donald Trump is traveling with a cache of identical ties, which is something a rich and crazy person would do.
But maybe Trump is slipping. Are the demands of running for president finally getting to him? Has he been forced to narrow down his selection of ties, be it in numbers or merely design? Is this the signal of his awaited unravelling? Or is it we who are unravelling?
[first two images via AP, third via Getty / thanks Tom]